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singham is a actionable movie.In this movie,the hero is Ajay Devgon.And the heroine is Kajal Aggarwal.In this movie Ajay Devgon is a sincere police officer.At first of this movie.There was a plice officer named Rakesh Kadam.He always war against corruption.Then there was a don in this movie.ThatsJaikant Shikre.rakesh collects some evidence against Jaikhant.Then Jaikant makes many mentak pressure of Rakesh.And he puts some blackmoneys in Rakesh's car.And Rakesh becomes a corrupted man on everyones mind.Then Rakesh becomes so upset to lose his honourity.Then he goes to his office and thinks about that.Then he attempts suicide.Then the wife of Rakesh goes to the minister of police.But he doesnt help her.And then Rakesh becomes a terrorist.Then in a villege there is a police officer named Singham.e doesnt care of anybody like corrupted people.He is an one man army.He always wars against the corrupted people.Then he comes to that police station in Rakesh's office.Then he becomes to know about Rakesh and Jaikant.Then he want to handle the case of Rakesh.Then he meets with Jaikhant.But he behaves so rude with him.Then Singham becomes the anty of Jaikant.Then Singham becomes so careful.There is a sweet girl in this movie named Kavya.She is so talent and intelligent.kavya and her family go to singhams villege.Then they meet first.Then introduce with each other by a sweet quarreling.Then oneday Kavya's father goes to see his villege.Because he doesnt get much time to come into his villege.Then he meets with Singham.But in front of Singham Kavya's father tell that he doesnt love villages.Then Singham becomes angry and tell him about the advantages of villages.Then he becomes angry and goes from here.Then after some days Kavya falls in love with Singham.Then Kavya propose him.Then Singham becomes shock to hear that.Then oneday Jaikant comes to the police station to meet with Singham to tell that.Dont be practical with him.Then Singham tells him to be safe.Then between them,there was a war.After that Singham becomes so careful and Jaikant becomes worry.Then oneday Jaikant won the election and makes the transfer of Singham.Then Singham goes to the D.G.P of police and insult him to say that they have no value.For that reason such people as Jaikant is a minister of a country.Then the whole police department understand every speech of Singham.Then they all goes to Jaikants house with a attempt of murdering Jaikant.Then Jaikant become wonder to see that and try his best to save his life.But at last he had to die and Singham becomes a great officer of police.


                             Bolo na tumi amar is a funny and romantic movie.it is a great sign of love.which was started with a quarrel.this movie is directed by SUJIT MONDOL.in this movie the actor is dev.and the actress is koel mallick,in this movie,dev is a pizza hut employer and koel is a medical student.there is no relatives of  dev.koels father is a D.I.G of pollice officer.their first meet was in a village where koel was in a medical camp.then there quarrel begins.after that they meet in kolkata city.at there,then the movies twist go ahead.then one day,koel goes to the pizza hut with a helpless baby where dev works.then the baby orders a vital number of  food.then koel goes to his friends to get some money.because she hadnt enough money.then the baby calls all of his friends who are helpless like him.then the bill become 10000 thausand rupee.ha ha ha.then dev goes with koel to his college but he become helpless because one of the teachers of the college thinks that he is a bike thief.and dev doesnt get the money.then one day koel goes in a archies gallery and breaks a nice show piece.but she was so clever she put the show piece that it is abslutely right.then dev comes to her and touch the show piece.the shop keeper thinks that he is the broker. but one man helps dev to give the money.then koels father arrange a marriage to a C.I.D officer named sommojit sen.but koel doesnt want to marry.then dev goes to the cid officer and tell that he loves koel.after a great problem summojit reject her.then sommojit manage a marriage of them.but koels father was not agree with that.Then koel had no money to read  then dev earn the money and give that to her.At last by spending such a bad time they get each other.                                                             


WANTED is a actionable and romantic movie.in this movie the actor is jeet.and the actress is srabonti.the movie is directed by ROBI KINAGI .and the producer is HIMANGSU DHANUKA.in this movie jeet is a wanted killer of the opposition politics leader.he has a good friend named joy.he always works with jeet.the killer of the opposition leader is not jeet.so who is the killer? Then jeet escapes from the pollice by a train. in the compartment he introdces with a man named shivronjon chowdhury.but pollice watch jeet in the station and shoot him,but unfortunately another man killed by the police.then jeet goes to shibus home being shibu. Then everyone think that he is the real shibu,because shibu goes to his home after 12 years.12 years ago he went from his family by doing a bad wok.that work was,he killed a boy of a saint.thats such a nice movie.Then all of the family become so happy to get him.after that the twist go ahead....there are some funny characters of this family.There is a brother in law of jeet who is so funny.then srabonti falls in love with jeet.but she cant tell him with that there are many funny things in this movie.then jeet does those works which was only for shibu.the saints daughter was so ill.they need 3 lakh ruppes.when jeet know this then he helps the saint by giving him the ruppes.then in  the marriage of shibus sister there was need of 10 lakh ruppes.for that the family needs the money.but they hadnt the money.then jeet helps them.and give them the money.after that the C.B.I team get the newss where jeet escapes....they go there to arrest him..but didnt get him then the all family members hated himthen the know the true of jeet by one of jeets friend that  how did he help the family and he was in love with srabonti....then the family forgive him.then he goes to the town and search for yhe real killer at last jeet got to know that the real killer is his best friend  joy this is such a nice movie.He killed joy at last.

3 idiots

                                      3 idiots is a funny and a educationable movie.it realy contains the real mean of life..at first of the movie,two friends embark on a quest for a lost buddy.In this journey they encounter a long forgotten hitory....there is a college in this movies way I.C.E is a engenering college.3 friends,they are rancho(amir khan)farhan and razu they are really good friends.farhan,razu is from a middle class family.but rancho is from a rich family.and rancho is different  from every student of the college.not for rich.he is different for his curicular.he is a creative minder.he doesnt belive in making good result.he belives in creativity.he has no care of the rules of sociaty.the directer of I.C.E is viru shahastra Buddha.He is called to his students named virus.he always try to do hard work.like only reading attentively which was impossible for rancho.rancho always challenge to viru in every work.viru always think that rancho is loser.he cant do study.for that reason he doesnt like him.then there is a actress.she is piya(karina kopoor).at first,there was a quarel between rancho and piya.piya was engaged wih a man named suhas.but he was a miser man.everytime he was talking about the prices of his poducts.then one time.there was a quarrel between them.then piya feels something about rancho.the 3 friends always do some naughty works with the directer.then directer gives to razu many mental pressure.after that,razu attemt to suicide...he was not dead but he was so weak.The twist of this movie go ahead by this way.One of a part of thgis movie razu and farhan know that rancho was not from a rich family.He was a simple man.at last they become to know that ranccho become a great scientist.there is a funny charecter of this movie named chatur.With all the movie is great.


                                   Dil toh baccha hai is funny and full of luv movie..directed by  Madhur handarkar.There is three man in this movie.They are Naren Ahuja (ajay devgan), abby(emran hashmi) and milind kelkar(omi vaidya).Naren is a bank officer.he is cool guy.in his office no other man is punctual as him.bt in hi personal life,he is not happy,there is no under standing between them.for that reason they get divorse.another guy is abby.He is such a opposite minder of naren...he is so off mind.He always want to lead his life in enjoy...he doesnt do any work seriously.He works in a jim..as a constructor as a well say,he is a playboy.there is a lot of relations of abby.The third one is milling.He is a nice man...by his mind he is so fresh. At first on the movie,abby falls in love with a super model named Anu. He is such a sexy woman.Then abby gets ready to get a relation with her.He tries hard to do it.On the other hand.in nerens office,naren falls in love with a cute girl named June.He is nice girl,fresh,focused.Then naren thinks that she is also in love with her.for that reason he behaved as a lover man and on the way of Milind. He falls in love with a radio joki.named Gungun as the history of the movie go ahead.Then Abby convince anu as his lover and there relation starts but anu was married with a multi millioner named harsh Narang but they dont care.they enjoy with others.on the other hand,slowly slowly millan tells gungun that he loves him but she doesnt accept that because she wans to be a actress.Then millan was broken.and naren see that june loves one of her frnd.she was not in love with him...and the next time abby was intrested a in a girl named nicky...who was the first wifes daughter of anus husband Narang. After all Abby moves everywhere for nicky...there creates a physical relaion between them..but at last the 3 boys lost the three woman.At last there life being so funny.The movie is such a nice piece.


Paglu is a romantic and actionable movie.Its full of love.The movie is directed by Rajib.In this movie,the actor is Dev and the actress is Koel Mallick.In this movie koels father is named with Gunodhor Sen who is a great buisnessman of U.S.A. And koel is his only one child.So she is so demanding. And Dev is a college student of a college of Kolkata. He is not from a big family.He is come from a middle class family. At first of the movie,Koel falls in a problem.She had a work of making a assignment about India.Then She asks it to her mom who was Indian.But her mom said to her that to write it with good mind,she have to go India.Then Koel said to her mom that her father wont allow to go.Then her mom said her to tell her father.Then Koel said that to her father.At first her father doesnt allow.But after that he allowed.Then Koel goes to India.And join that college where Dev studies.There is a bad boy in this movie who always disturb Koel.And from then Dev challenge the boy and beat him.Then Koel falls in love with him.Not only Koel Dev was also in love with Koel.Then koel says to Dev.And there affair starts.After know this,Koels dad comes to India and meet ith Dev.He acts as he allow it but in his mind he doesnt allow that.And he tries to beat Dev to remove him from Koels life.then Koels dad goes to U.S.A with Koel.But before going from there Dev says to Koels dad that he will come to U.S.And get Koel.Then after some days Dev goes to U.S.A. Then he gets a friend in there who was ready to help Dev at any cost.Then Dev findout Koels home and get her.Then Koels dad search them.After much time he finds them.Then he escape Koel from Dev in a long distance from him.But Dev finds her.They can get married in that time but Dev Doesnt do that.Dev does not go to India with Koel.He puts off her.And he means that its his charecter.Then Koels mom and Koel say to approve him.Then Koels dad feels the reality and approve Dev as his Son in law.the movie is such a nice thing.                              

My Name Is Khan

My name is khan is a romantic movie.This film is directed by Karan Johar.In this film,the actor is Shahrukh Khan and the actress is Kazol.At first of the movie,Shahrkh is a mental patient.From his childhood he always do some works which is not liked by all.In this movie Shahrukh has a brother.He is brilliant student.Shahrukh was also a good student but he was extra ordinary who was thinking about such kind of impossible thing.Sharukhs mom always tell him about the reality of life.And she always tell him many fables.After that Shahrukhs brother goes to U.S.A .There he gets a good job.Then he goes there.Then after a few days Shahrukhs mom dies.He goes from this nice world.Then Shahrukh was helpless.Then Shahrukhs brother tells him to come to U.S.A .Then after some days Shahrukh goes to U.S.A .There is brother tells him to sell some beauty products.And he tells Shahrukh to do hard work.Then Shahrukh meets a woman named Mandira who  is Kazol.She is a beautision.For that reason,Shahrukh can meet her at her beauty parlour.Then Kazol tells him to give her 20 products.Then Shahruk tells her that he can give her 4 products for the expiration.Then Kazol was impressed by the honesty of Shahrukh.After that the meet again and again.They feel something strange in their mind.They were in love.After that Shahrukh become to know that Kazol has a child of 12 years.She was married.Yet Shahrukh marries her.They enjoy their life.Then there was a problem in U.S.A .Al kayda leader Osama Bin Laden bursts the Twin Tower.Then the muslims was helpless in the country.Then Kazols son wwas killed by some boys.Then Kazol become angry to Shahrukh because he was a muslim.She ells her that he have to go to the house of Presedent of U.S.A .And he have to say him that.MY NAME IS KHAN AND I AM NOT A TERRORIST.This is the keyword of this movie.Then Sharukh tells that to him.Then he was being a criminal to say that.The police punish her in many hard ways.Then he was relised.Then Shahrukh goes in another state of U.S.A .They were so helpless for the rude behave of nature.Then Shahrukh helps them.Then eveyone belives him as a real hero.Then he comes to Kazol.And The presedent of  U.S.A tells him that he is the real hero and he is not a terrorist.The movie is really a nice and educational movie.                                                                                                    

Jaane tu ya jaane na

Janne tu ya janne na is a romanric and funny movie.Its also full of great friendships.There is some friends in this movie who cant live without each other.Of them there is two friends named Jai(Imran Khan) and Aditi( Genelia D souza).They are so deeply.In there every personal matter,they share that with each other.Jai is a son of the famous family in Rajastan in India,the families name is Rathore family.Jai always see a dream in his sleep.He saw that there is a man on a horse.He thought that  was his father.Aditi and jay was so independent in their family.They can do anything in their own choise.Aditi calls jai RATS.And jay calls Aditi MEAW.There are many friends in their group.they was so deeply in thei mind.There was friend in their group who likes Aditi.But he does not tell to her that he loves her.He thinks that they love each other.And not only he,everyone of them and theirs parents also yhink that they each other.But they dont know that.Actually they dont feel that.Oneday Aditis parents to talk with Jay about their marriage.To hear it Jay and Aditi become shock.And her parents told rhem that they are so special for them.They feel it.But they dont try to do that.Then Jai was on hs road.And Aditi was on her road.Then they go to Disco to enjoy there last day of college.There they enjoy very much.There Jai meets a girl named Meghna.Jai saves her from two man who were his cousin but they doesnt know it that time.After that Jai gets a relation with Meghna.they were so happy at first.Everytime They go everywhere with each other.for that reason the friends of Jai miss him everytime and specially Aditi.But none tell him anything.Then Aditi was also chose a boynamed Sushant.He was just a playboy.He has so many girlfriends.Then Sushant goes tto a party with Aditi where he make a war with a boy for one of his Ex girlfriend.Aditi was so shocked in his mind.After thet time another day there was the same case.Then sushant forgives to Aditi.Then Aditi goes to a party one of  her friend of his birthday.There they enjoy.Sushant was happy to see jay here.Aditi introduces him with Sushant.Then they enjoy the day.After that Jai feels that he is in love with Aditi/.And he says it to Meghna.And their relation breaks up.Then Aditi Was on a resturent with Sushant.At there Meghna tells her about them.Then Aditi and Sushant also feels the reality.Then Sushant breaks up with Aditi.Then Aditi was going to U.S.A. Then Jai goes there and stop aditi.This film is so nice.Actually from at first the friends says it to a girl named Mala who is the girlfriend od jiggy who is a friend od Jai amnd Aditi.At last they goes to honeymoon and come back.Its really nice.

Shivaji The Boss

Shivaji The Boss is a actionable and romantic movie.in this movie,the hero is Rajnikhant(Shivaji) and the heroine is Sriya Saran.This movie is practically a political thriller movie.At first of this movie Shivaji comes from US.He was in US for his goal.On that country he worked hard and earn 200 crore money.After that he comes back to his country and make a plan to do something for his country.He wants to make a medical collegefor the students.But when he starts to do that he was confusing by some loafer politisions.They said to shivji to give them 25% of his property.Then Sivaji was helpless.For that reason he have to give them the money..Then Shivaji starts his work.To hear it Adesheshan goes to the party office of GOVT.He is a powarful leader.So the ministers of GOVT always had to do that works what Adi says.But this time they dont do the works as Adi's speech.Adi says to the ministers that they have to pay for it.Then he helps the opposition to won the election.And they won.After some days some leader of politics says that the land where Shivaji makes the college is GOVT. area.Then Shivaji shocks.He goes to ministers office.There he meets him.He also said to Shivaji to give him 25%.Then Shivaji gives him again from get loan from the bank.After thet Adi makes a case against Shivaji to give extra money to the minister.Then Shivaji loses the case and his works stopped.Then he manage some coppies of black money of Adi and blackmell him.Then Adi gives him 100 crore rupee.Then he again started towork.Then Shivaji thinks that if Adi as 200 crore then how much black money in India.Then he collects it by the same plan from many politicians.Then he has 4000 croren rupees.Then the CBI invasticate it and by a plan,they get the laptop from Shivajis wife whch is Shivaji's laptop.Then with the clue they arrest him.Then Adi beat him very much but cant open the laptop.Becaue the laptop was situated by a password and the password was Shivaji's own sound.Then Adi made a plan to kill Shivaji.But he failed to kill him.But Adi yhinks that Shivaji nwas killed.Actually Shivaji saves his life by a great planning.Then he goes to US.After some days Shivaji comes to his country from US.then he introduce him as a friend of Shivaji.At last Shivaji killed Adi.The movie is really nice.


 Jannat is a romantic and actionable movie.In this movie,the hero is Arjun(Imran Hashmi). and the heroine is Zoya.In this movie Arjun is an one minded man.He haven't no care of anybody.He always do thet what he likes.He has no work.He is betting in various cricket matches,what is not a good work.Arjun saw Zoya at first in a shopping mall.Zoya was watching a ring,then Ajun saw that and breakes the glass and tried to get the ring for Zoya.Then the police caught him.Zoya was fully shocked.After that the next time,Arjun borrowed much money from a powarful man named Patel.Arjun have a good friend.Then Arjun buys the ring for Zoya and goes to Zoya's house.Then Zoya doesn't want to take that.Then Arjun puts that on ground.Then Zoya takes that.After that Zoya understands that Arjun is in love with her.Then with many enjoyment<Arjun tells Zoya that he loves her.Before this Arjun gets a lot of money by betting.Then their love starts.After that Arjun becomes rich.He builds a large building.Then oneday Arjun's father comes to Arjun's house.He tells Zoya that Arjun is a liar.He always tell a lie to others.Hopefully he tells a lie in this time.Zoya thinks something for a few minutes.Then oneday Arjun was in a 5 star hotel with his work.Then police come here and see that Arjun is in a party and Arjun tells to the inspector that He is enjoying a party with his friends.Then the police go away feom here.After that 2 man enter the room and pick up Arjun.They go to South Africa.On there, a don named Abu Ibrahim talk with Arjun and tells to work with him as a match fixer.Then he works and pick Zoya from India.Then oneday Zoya becomes to know the reality of Arjun.Then she shocked and helps police to catch him.Then Arjun shocks.Then after some days he belled from the jail and start to work with Abu.Then Zoya tells him,don't do that and propose him to make a simple life of them.Then police come there and attempts to fire.But Zoya says thet he is ready to salender.Yet police fires to Arjun by a misunderstanding.Thn Arjun dies.The movie is really remarkable.

Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi

Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi is a romantic movie.In this movie,the hero is Surinder(Shahrukh khan) and the heroine is Tani(Anushka Sharma).The movies history is starts in Amritser in Pubjub in India.Here Suri was going to a marriage ceremony of his childhood teachers daughters who is Tani.At the first sight of Tani,Suri falls in love with Tani.But he cant tell that because he knows that he was on her marriage ceremony.Then the house was full of enjoyment.Everyone on the house and also Tani was enjoying his marry.But Suri feels so bad.Suri was so talented in studies but he was not modern.He always be simple.Then after some hours,there was a shocking news that the bus of  Bridegroom was fell down on a canal and no one is alive.After knowing the news Tani's father shocks and get stock on his heart and Tani becomes so upset.Then Tani's father was in a hospital and he calls Suri to talk with him about some important things.He also calls Tani to talk with her.Then Tani;s father tells Suri to marry Tani in front of Tani.First time Suri was not agreed because he was tensed with Tani's life.Then after some time he agreed to marry Tani.To hear it Tani's father feels good but for his weak body he died.Then after some days Suri and Tani married and come to Suri's house.Suri makes the all of responsibilities of Tani on the rule of Hindu term to entrer the house.Then Tani was in the room of Suri but he was not agreed to stay with Suri in the same room.Then Suri goes to another room.Then their life starts.Thwen one day,Tani watches a add on the road named Dancing Jodi.THen he perticipates on that.And then Suri also perticipates  on that competition but there is a twist.The twist is Suri was there in a new good looking charecter named Raz.Who is so modern and sexy.Then they were in a same place but Tani doesnt recognize her.Then they dance with each other.Suri was not liked by Tani but after some days Raz propose her to marry and first time Tani agreed.Then he feel that this is a bad thing to cheat her husband.Then he tells Raz that she cant go by cheating her husband.Then Suri becomes so happy and says Tani that he is Suri.Then Tani shocked but she was also happy.The movie is really a nice movie.


Ghajni is a actionable and romantic movie.In this movie,the hero is Sanjay Singhania(Amir Khan) and the heroine is Kalpana(Ashin).First  of this movie,a man is a mental patient.He is a rich man but he lives in a simple quiet place.He is the M.D of Air voice company.but for his mental weakness he cant do his work now but when he was ok then he could do his work.He is in a revenge with someone named Ghajni.At the first of the movie Sanjay create some problems to find Ghajni.Then one police officer comes to Sanjay;s house.Then he finds a diary of Sanjay's past.Then at first of the dairy,there was written that a few years ago Sanjay came from US and join his company named Air voice.Then he was happy.After that oneday he was on a road and he saw that a sweet girl helps an old woman to cross the road.Then Sanjay likes that.On the other hand Kalpana is a junior artist of local adds.He spends his life to do that.She is a nice girl and Kalpana is that sweet girl who helps the woman.Then oneday Sanjay liked a building to make a towar of his company.He sended his P.A to the owner of he house and unfortunately the owner was also Kalpana.The peopleSanjay talks in so good behave.The workers of the adds company thinks that there is a relation between Sanjay Singhania and Kalpana and publish it in newspaper.So the nextday Sanjays saw the newspaper and he shocked to see the news.Then he found out Kalpana and goes to her for talking about that matter.Then when Sanjay sees Kalpana then he can't tell anything about that.But he told her that he wanted to be a artist.So Kalpana told him that she will think about him about his wish to be an Artist.Then Sanjay laughed on his mind and came back from here.Then they met once again.Actually Kalpana called him to act on an add.Then Sanjay goed there.And they goes to Kalpana's working place and works together.Then oneday the owner of Kalpanas company told Kalpana to invite Sanjay Singhania in the New year party.The card was published.So she have to get him.Then Kalpana was in a trouble.Then kalpana manage a boy to act such as Sanjay.Then Sanjay came to Kalpana's house and saw them.Then Sanjay cought the fake Sanjay.And Kalpana shocked.And then Kalpana proposed to act the role by Sanjay.Then Sanjay agree,Then in the party Sanjay acted in the same way of Kalpana's speech.Then At last of the party they were on a bus then Sanjay proposed Kalpana.Then Kalpana told Sanjay to wait for her answer.Then Sanjay thought on his mind that if Kalpana accept him as a general people then he will tell the true.Then the next day Kalpana told him that she loves him.Then their relation started.Then for one work Sanjay went to London.And kalpana went to Goa.Then on the road of Goa,Kalpana cought a Girls kidnap racket.Then she save a girl and police arrested the kidnapers.Then kalpana send the girls to the hospital.Then one girl was vanished and she couldnt find her and then Kalpana complained once again against them.Then the leader of them named Ghajni went to Kalpana;s house when Sanjay was also going to her house then Ghajni killed Kalpana.Before death,Kalpana told Sanjay the name Ghajni.Then Ghajni heated Sanjay.For that reason today Sanjay is weak in mentlly.At last of the movie Sanjay finds Ghajni and killed him.Then oneday Sanjay sits on a chair then he was thinking the missing of Kalpana.Then movie is really romantic but at last the hero and heroine cant stay with each other for only GHAJNI.


 pathshala is a full of love for children movie.In this movie there are many children acted as a good actor in this movie.The movie is specially built on a true part of the sociaty.There is a school,some teachers,students etc is the main part of this movie.In this movie the hero is Shahid Kapoor and the heroine is Ayesha Takia and the pinciple of the school is Nana Pateker.He is a great man.He spend his all life as a teacher in this school.He loves the school very much.He can do anything for his school.Then Aditya comes to the school as a English teacher and make a good realation with the students.Then the all people of the school was so happy.Everyone helps everyone in any problem.Then oneday the principle of the school faces a problem,the authority wants from him a lot of money which is losed by him.Then the principle was in pressure.The he goe many place to get some money.But no banks,no organizations dont help him.Then he goes far from the school for some days.Then the school become so boring.There creates a lot of problems in the school.In every part of the school become so hot.Nothing was good.In the canteen,every food was double prizes.And some rule was published in the notice board.That is no one can eat in the canteen without canteen's food,the fees was triple in a time.So the guardins was coming to the school but they cant find the principle.Then some days was going by the same way.Then oneday the principle comes and the teachers talk to him.But he doesnt answer the questions.Then the auhority comes to school and make a plan of a few number of competition.Which have to be perticipated by the students.Then the competition starts.But they make manyrude behave with the students and the students become weak in their body fitness.Then the students and the teachers stand with each other and make a strike against the athurity.Then the principle was bound to tell everything.He says that everything was done by his order.He was hepless to save his school.Then everyone of the school understands the realityThey want forgive from him.Then the principle gets a decision to leave the school.Then the all students stop him.The movie is reallt nice.                   

Don No 1

Don No 1 is a actionable and romantic movie.This movie is full of  fighting and love.But this movie is realy a great movie.The don is Nag Arjuna(Surya).He always do good jobs only for people.He can do anything for people.He has a younger brother named Jadav.He always do works with Surya.He cant live without him.But he always want to marry but he cant do it for his brother.Because Surya doesnt want to marry.The villian of the movie named Feroz who is Pakistani don.He is very dangerous.He always do that what he likes.He doesn't care anyone.He went to Canada.There was a don in Canada.But Feroz made a war with him and kill him.Then he becomes the don of Canada.But now he is intrested in India.And the police department of India know it from the intelligence report.Then oneday in Suria's town there came a man who wants a flat buiding which one is public's building.But he wants that.Then Surya goes there and tells him to leave the place.But they dont want to leave the place.Then Surya fights with the man.At last they become ready to leave and Surya solves the problem.Surya was a god for the general people.The always pray for Surya that he can help the helpless people.Then oneday a police officer come to Surya's house and the officer was appointed to deal the case of Feroz.Then he enters the room and talks with Surya.He says Surya that he is a man of Feroz.Feroz send hime to help Feroz from India.And the officer proposed Surya to join with Feroz in his buisness.Then Surya tells th officer to reign from his job and be a good man.Then the officer tells it to Feroz.Feroz become angry and try to arrange a meeting with Surya.Then he calls Surya and tells him to come Feroz's house.But Surya says to Feroz that he is not his servant.Feroz have to come Surya.Then Feroz goes top Surya's house.Before this Surya fall in love with a girl.Then Feroz tells Surya to join with him.ThenSurya insult him and tell to leave his house.Then Feroz goes from there.But Feroz becomes so angry to Surya.Then Jadav likes a girl to marry but that girl was from Feroz's gang.Then Surya agees to arrange a marriage for Jadav.Then oneday the girl who is liked by Jadav kidnaped Jadav.Then when Surya was outside to find Jadav.The girl kidnaped The fiunce of Suya.But there was man of Feroz who is so special to Feroz under Surya's people.Then Feroz arrange a meeting of exchanging each others people.But before this Feroz killed Jadav which is a painful moment of this movie.Then when Surya becomes to know that he kills Surya.The movie is really good.

Once upon a time in Mumbai

Once upon a time in Mumbai is a actionable and romantic movie.in this movie,the hero is Imran Hashmi(Shoaib) and the heroine is Prachi desai.There is also a hero in the movie.He is Ajay Devgon(Sultan Mirza) and his heroine Kangana Sherawat(Rehana).The movie is full of crime.A man named Sultan Mirza is a powarful man in Mumbai.He can do anything in Mumbai.But from his personal mind he is a good man.From his childhood he leads a poor life.But now by his powar there is no word in his life called nothing.He always help the poor people.He can do anything for them.On the other hand,Shoaib is a nayghty boy.He always do some nasty works like fighting,kidnaping etcThen Shoaib have a girlfriend named Prachi.She is such a good and beautiful girl.She always tells to Shoaib to leave that works but Shoaib never cares her.Sultan always move from one place to another place as his like best.There was no one in Mumbai who can stop him.Then oneday Sultan divides Mumbai by area into 5 pieces.There was 5 men who works under Sultan.This is the basic of this movie.Then slowly slowly the history goes ahead.Sultan always help the poor people.For that reason he never want that any poor people feel bad by someones behave.But Shoaib was opposte of Sultan.Oneday Sultan sees Rehana when she shoots on a place because she was a actress.Then Sultan goes to har and talks with her.At first Rehana doesnt care him but after sometime she cares him.Then Sultan invites her in a hotel to take dinner.That day Rehana goes to that hotel.They come closer on their mind and from thet time their relation starts.On trhe other hand,Shoaib was so unliked by his father.His fther is a police officer.But his son is a bad boy.For that he always feel bad.Then oneday Shoaib does a bad work and cought by police.Then after some days he released.After that Sultan builds a shop for him.So that he can spend a simple and honest life.But after some days Shoaib tells that he cant do it and he wants to walk on Sultan's road.Then Sultan gets him on his work.So Shoaib joins on Sultan's gang.But there was a deal between Sultan and Shoaib,That is never try to be danger for the poor people.Shoib agree with Sultan.Then for some days Sultan goes to Delhi.Before going he gives his powar to only Shoaib.Then Sultan goes.Then Shoaib Does many bad works.He doesnt leave the poor people.He behaves with them very rudely.Then when Sultan comes back.Then he becomes to know about the reality.Then he goes to Shoaib and slap him.Then Shoaib become angry.And after some days when Sultan was in a programme then Shoaib shoot to him and kill him.The movie is really nice.But painful.                                                        


Robot is an actionable and romantic movie.In this movie The hero is Rajnikhanth(Dr.Wasikaran) and the heroine is Ashwaria Rai Bacchan(Sana).In this movie.Wasi is a Engenior of robots and Sana is a medical student.At first of the movie Wasi is always be busy with his experiment which is making a robot as like as him.Then he cant to talk to Sana only for a few minutes.Then Sana becomes so angry to Wasi.WAsi works so hard to do that.Actually he wants to make such a kind of robot what can helpIndia in defence.Then Oneday Sana comes to Wasi's lab.Then she calls him but Wasi had no care about her.He was busy with his work.Then oneday Wasi makes a robot which is as like as Wasi.It was really amazing.Then Wasi takes the robot to his home.To see the robot Wasi's parents become so happy.At first thet dont trust it.After some time they trust that.Then Wasi tells to her mom to give a name of the robot.Then his mother says that if there was a brother of Wasi then they called him Chitti.Then Wasi put the robot's nam chitti.Then they get the breakfast.Then they go to outside.The driver was Chitti.Then they go to a sallon.Wasi had to shave.Then Chitti was there.Then one man gives him to read magazine to pass boring time.Chitti reads that in a few second.They were shocked.Then Wasi goes to Sana's college to meet.But Sana was so angry to Wasi.Then Wasi breakes his angry and goes somewhere.Sana sees that there is a new man in the car but is same as Wasi.Then she was also shocked.After some days Wasi goes to a exibition to introduce his creation to all of the best scientist of India.He introduces everyone with Chitti.Then people become so happy to see that.And tell to wasi that he is really a good scienist.There was copetetor of Wasi named Dr. Bora.He was not happy to see that.Then Sana was also so happy.He make a proposal to Wasi that she can get Chitti in his house.Wasi agreed.Then Chitti goes there and do many impossible works.Then slowly slowly people love Chitti so much in mind.Then in another exibition Chitti was rejected because he has no feelings of huminity.Then Wasi teaches him about huminity,the feelings of people.Then Chitti become so emotional in every works.Then after some days for the emotion he was in love with Sana.Then he becomes so dangerous.Then one time Wasi become so boring for him.Then he breaks Chitti and throw him in dustbin.Then Dr. Bora collected his parts and make a bad minded robot who is so harmful for people as Chitti.Then Chitti goes to Wasi and try to kill him.But then Sana stops him.Then Wasi after many problems Wasi changed the parts of fake Chitti and Chitti feels his mistake.Then at last he breaks his own parts personally.After 20 years it is shown that the students of science studies abot him.The movie is realy great.